Business Math

 Grades 10-12
     1 Semester, ½ Credit (May Count as Math Credit)
     Prerequisite: Computer Applications A, Math


This course is designed to assist students in learning to use mathematics effectively as a tool in their lives as producers and consumers. Methods students can use to approach problem solving in a logical manner are emphasized in realistic business situations. Spreadsheet applications relating to course topics will provide real-world computer experience.


Essential Learnings

  1. Solve problems involving whole numbers, decimals, fractions, percents ratios, averages using appropriate conversions.


  2. Apply the order of operations principle when solving problems.
  3. Construct, read, and interpret tables, charts, and graphs.
  4. Calculate gross earnings, payroll withholdings, and net earnings.
  5. Calculate fixed and variable costs, analyze data, and estimate the projected total income and total expenses for a given time period.
  6. Calculate total purchase price, net business purchases with discounts and purchase returns and allowances.
  7. Compute net sales, markup, markdown and percents based on selling price and cost.
  8. Calculate total, average, and unit costs of factory supplies space and labor.
  9. Use mathematical tools such as graphing calculators, internet calculators and spreadsheets.